by Amy Platon
Hubby and I have a 7 year old boy.
This weekend we “hit” on a topic that we don’t seem to agree on, and I want your opinion.
It’s a question that we parents with boys have all asked ourselves. What do we tell our son to do when another boy hits him?
My husband is of the “Hit him back” school of thinking. But he also went his whole adolescence without a single brawl.
And if you all know me at all you’ve probably guessed, I totally disagree. However, in an effort to find the middle ground, I offered this as a solution:
If our boy gets hit in the chest first, then it’s ok for our son to hit back, but only in the chest, equal to his punch.
I was pretty proud of that solution actually. But my husband said that that too much for our son to consider when he’s in the heat of it all. My expectation would be too high of him.
Of course, I’m thinking of the mom-to-mom aftermath. “My son hit your son in the chest, and your son hit him back in the nose and now it’s bleeding. That’s out of line!”
I feel like if my son at least understood the rules of “fair fighting” then I could at least back him up as responsibly as possible, and not feel totally wrong.
What are your thoughts? I would especially love it if you ask your husbands opinion and would love comments from dads who have been in school hood fights themselves. I’m looking forward to your thoughts!
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