Anyone here? Well I'll just assume you can hear me.
Here go the updates:
My gun shot wound is healing right on time. I'm planning to take out my own stitches, so look for that exciting post on or about August 10th!
I think I might replace the stitches with six bar bell earrings, just cause I think it might work. I don't know. We'll see.
So, I sent my boy off to Skate Camp this week. We are so lucky to have an indoor Van's Skate Park here. He's learning lots of cool tricks. He attempted the vert ramp (half-pipe) and at six years old that thing must look crazy big. For the rest of us it's 13 feet tall. Today they learned about having a good skate attitude.
And here I thought I had to send my kid to karate for good moral values, but we never did karate cause I couldn't get past the irony. Then there's always church, but somehow if you're a kid, it's way cooler getting the good attitude talk from a full grown skate rat aka x-pro skater turned instructor. Dreads, tattoos, and an herb pipe somewhere (totally kidding), he has my sons full an complete respect.
The Van's employees are just so nice. They are so great with the kids (young and older). If you're ever in Orlando, and you like to skate, do check out the park! Even if you don't skate you will enjoy watching from the top deck. It's a bridge style walkway that lets you observe all areas of the park without even touching a board!